29 October 2008

Makes You Want One...

Ok, So I'm not the kind of person who would get a tattoo, the name Sparklehorse doesn't really equate to a hells angels style tattoo. But all has changed since I came across the flickr group Graphic Ink a collection of amazing graphic design and illustrative tattoos which make the commonly seen tramp stamps and butterfly/dolphin ideas look awful. Check out the pink Tord Boontje paper cut inspired tattoo.
I really want one of these, would Egbert mind....

Check them out here.

17 October 2008

A Print A Day keeps bad design away...

Go see this brilliant blog with a free print a day. For all those print lovers, like myself who enjoy a odd repeated pattern or nice bit of illustration.
Egbert also likes a good pit of illustration - he just won't admit it...

This Week We're Mostly Reading

Dumbo Feather, Pass It On. The most strangely titled magazine we've ever come across but a brilliant and inspirational publication nonetheless.

Subscribe immediately for that coffee table creative chic...

This Week We're Listening To...

The incredible new album Jim from Jamie Lidell. Not to boast but one time in Berlin I sang a part of Multiply with the man himself! Amazing live, incredible voice, and those clothes...

Oh and did I mention he is incredibly hot? Sorry Egbert, but he is!

12 October 2008

Blythe in Bangkok

Whilst wandering through the worlds biggest market in Bangkok I happened upon a shop selling fashion postcards of Blythe dolls, weird and wonderful I bough several for my friend back home who scarily resembled the blonde one.

See more here...

Brilliance Named Frankie

I picked up a copy of this amazing magazine whilst travelling corss-country through Australia, and it blew me away. Sweet, witty, cool all in one magazine. The 25th issue is out now...

4 October 2008

Waking up to Kings of Leon

There nothing worse than forgetting to switch off your radio radio alarm in time for the weekend but all can be forgiven when Caleb Followill from Kings of Leon starts singing. Check out the amazing live version of Fans here.

3 October 2008

Pantone Magic

I've always been a fan of the humble Pantone chip, finding them in pockets in books etc for months after a project has ended. Tim Fraser Brown has taken his Pantone love to the next level replicating a Manet paining using only the the Pantone chip naming it Mantone. Seriously cool.

See more brilliant design on his website here.

Illustrating the best

Illustrator extraordinaire Jesse LeDoux's website is a gold mine of creative illustration. He verges on sweet but remains quirky and cool, which is rather impossible for the rest of us mere mortals.

Find him at ledouxville.com

1 October 2008

Living Market

Liverpool are again the hosts to (yet another event in Liverpool - we have everything this year!) the Living Market a cool artists and vintage market where fans of objects and clothes gather to buy the greatest and lastest in time for Christmas.

Held at Mello Mello, 40-42 Slater St during October (then somewhere else for November and December) Egbert and I hope to see you all there.

Anyhow, back to my sewing machine...

A day of Pros and Cons

Ah so here we are, armed with the genius of this notepad (organize.com), Egbert and Sparklehorse are making important executive decisions; kittens or rainbows, cheese or chalk etc...

Three weeks to go until our first stall opens at the Living Market Liverpool: we are frantically sewing, brainstorming and glue-gunning our way to design perfection. Fingers crossed...