27 June 2010

Chevre Chaud

I didn't think I'd be putting on factor 20 in Salford, but it has been a summer of surprises over in Chimney Pot Park. As we watched England crash out of the world cup we couldn't bring ourselves to put on a big Sunday roast so we opted for the quickest summer comfort food to ease our sadness. Out comes the chevre slices, and ten minutes later we sit in the sunshine reminded of last years summer holidays at their place in South-West France. OK, the goats cheese was from Salford market and the wine was Australian, but if you closed your eyes and blocked out next doors Lady Gaga on full blast you could almost imagine!

The success of this relies solely on good goats cheese (no tesco value!) and a sunny day, or else you're eating mediocre cheese in the rain - not fun.

Chevre Chaud

Serves 2


2 x half inch thick round slices of good quality goats cheese with the rind on
a few sprigs of thyme
a baby gem lettuce, washed
handful of watercress if you fancy
30g walnut halves (or smashed bits if you're shelling them yourself)
2 slices of white bread
4 tbsp olive oil
2tbsp runny honey

For the vinaigrette

½ lemon, juice only
1 tbsp walnut oil (or olive oil)
½ Bramley apple, grated

1. Pre heat oven to 200°C/gas 6.

2. Place the goat's cheese on a baking tray. Arrange a walnut half on top of each cheese. Smash up the remaining walnuts a bit and set aside. Drizzle the cheese with honey, scatter over the thyme leaves and season with black pepper.

3. Bake in the oven for 6 minutes, or until the cheese has melted inside but retained its shape.

4. Shred the lettuce before transferring to a bowl. Add the crushed walnuts and toss to mix.

5. In a glass mix the lemon juice with 1 tablespoon of walnut oil and 4 tablespoons of olive oil (to taste). Grate in half the apple, season with salt and pepper and mix to combine.

6. Drizzle a little vinaigrette over the salad and toss together.

7. Toast the bread until golden. When ready, use pastry cutter or chef's ring to cut the toast into 4 round discs.

8. To serve, arrange the dressed walnut salad onto serving plates. Place the toast on the salad and top with the goat's cheese drizzle over a little more honey if you like. Spoon over the remaining vinaigrette and serve.

Enjoy with a glass of French white in the sun!

14 June 2010

Weekend Projects

Hello all, I'm back after a little holiday from the blog, although I absolutely missed posting so I've got a ream of things to put up! In the meantime, I have been cross-stitching my little heart out to get this done for the wall. Get the pattern over at http://www.fuldesign.se/ along with tonnes of others!

More and more to follow!