9 July 2012

A Stephanie Allin French Wedding

Ok so I'm getting married next year, and yes I'm getting married in the South of France which means I'll just have to have a Stephanie Allin wedding dress!

I'm trying them on next month after cooing over them in every bridal magazine they appear, even the names make me smile with Bardot (below) and Frankie my current favourites. Love, love, love them!

Dukan Diet Starts Today

So it's been a busy year so far and the furthest thing from my mind has been wearing a bikini, so imagine the fear when I realise I'm to be bikini clad in less than two weeks, so my only answer is - bring on the Dukan! 

I've had a good read of the main book and the book of recipes so feel pretty good about diving head first into the Dukan diet experience. Unlike the Atkins you can't eat fatty meats, salt or oil but with it being a French diet the recipes are right up my street. Smoked salmon, chicken terrine and moules marinieres are suggested for the first 5-day 'attack' faze, oh such a hardship! But as a bread addict I'm worried I'll run out of steam in a day or two, never mind with the promise of 2lbs a day lost I think I can forgo the bread for a few days...

In other news, my Dad is recovering well having had his cancer tumour removed on Thursday the nurses were amazed he was able to go home after only three days - us Sharkey's are made of strong stuff clearly. After the stresses of last week with my Dad I'm quite pleased to be doing the accounts today, never again will I complain that my life isn't exciting enough, I've had enough excitement to last me a lifetime over the past month.