30 April 2009

Cookery Masterclass

Last weekend was a hotly anticipated event for me as it was the 'hen do' of Egbert's mother. Rather than a scantily clad drunken troop marching the streets adorned with fluffy shiny objects, we instead got to spend the weekend in the beautiful Northern Irish countryside learning the tricks of the trade from a professional chef. What could be better!

We started the weekend with a cookery afternoon learning a variety of sauces and garnishes, then moved on to making pasta. I have to admit I've never attempted to make pasta, those who have go on endlessly about how easy and great it is, and now I've joined the club - it's so easy and great! We made a simple spinach and ricotta ravioli with a sage butter which was quick easy and tasted so light it might have been professional. We then moved on to filleting sea bass - again surprisingly simple - but I think it may have been the excellent chef teaching us rather than the process being simple. We topped this dish with ginger and chilli fried squid and topped the day off with the 'Great British Menu' recipe Bushmills chocolate terrine.

Well what can I say the location was beautiful the food amazing and most of all the chef was brilliant! We then proceeded to drink our weight in wine and eventually crawl to bed around 3 or 4am but was an excellent weekend!

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