17 September 2009

Smoked Haddock Tartlette

I had a burst of energy on a cold September evening and decided to try this Smoked Haddock Tart. It may look complicated but it's surprisingly easy, make pastry, cook haddock, combine filling and cook! It tasted like a quiche but without all the cream and calories. Make double and freeze for those cold autumn nights.

Smoked Haddock Tartlet with a Poached Egg

Makes 4 tarts

For the pastry
125g plain flour
pinch of salt
55g butter, cubed
2-3 tbsp cold water

400g smoked haddock with the skin
400ml milk
2 egg yolks
tsp English mustard

Cheese sauce
25g butter
25g plain flour
100g Gruyère, grated

To serve
4 poached eggs
25g butter
bunch chives , chopped
handfull baby spinach leaves
1 tbsp olive oil

For the pastry put the butter and flour in a processor and pulse until breadcrumbs, add the water and blend until it combines. Wrap in the clingfilm and refrigerate for 15 mins.

Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/ gas 6. Divide the pastry into 4, thinly roll out each piece, then cut out 4 circles big enough to line 4 x 12-14cm tartlet tins. Press the pastry into the sides of the tin and trim the edges with a knife. Place in the fridge to cool for 10 mins, then prick the base and line each tartlet with baking parchment and baking beans. Bake for 15 mins on a baking sheet, remove the beans and paper, cook for 10 mins more until golden, then remove from the oven.

While the pastry is cooking, place the haddock in a medium saucepan with the milk. Season the milk with a little black pepper, place on the heat and bring to a steady boil. Turn off the heat, then set aside until cool enough to handle. Remove the fish from the milk and strain the milk into a jug.

To make the sauce, wipe out the haddock pan and place back on the heat with the butter. When the butter has melted and is starting to sizzle, stir in the flour and cook until combined to a sandy consistency. Gradually stir in the poaching milk, stirring well after each addition, then gently simmer over a low heat for 5 mins until you have a smooth white sauce. Take the sauce off the heat, then stir in the Gruyère.

Break the haddock into large flakes into a bowl and discard the skin and any bones. Tip the egg yolks and mustard in with the haddock, then stir in the cheese sauce.

Divide the filling between the tartlet cases, then bake for 20 mins until the filling is puffed up and golden brown like cheese on toast. Leave the tarts to cool slightly while you get the rest of the ingredients ready.

To serve, poach 4 eggs (see video link, above). Gently melt the butter in a small saucepan, then add the chives. At the last minute, lightly toss the spinach leaves with a drizzle of oil and a sprinkling of coarse sea salt, then you're ready to plate up.

Overlap the spinach leaves around the plate in a petal formation. Sit the tartlet on top of the spinach in the middle of the plate. Gently place a poached egg in the centre of each tartlet. Spoon some chive butter over each egg and serve straight away.

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