22 October 2009

I Want To Be An Airplane Hostess

Hula Seventy's brilliant blog has this great image that really made me want to be an airplane hostess, oh the glamour of the 60's! Maybe it's not too late to change me career...

Stilton Fondue with Walnut Bread and Pears

Stilton Fondue with Walnut bread and Pears

300g Stilton, derinded and cubed
200g Mascarpone cheese
4 tbsp vodka

Walnut Bread
400g strong wholemeal flour
250g strong white flour
120g walnut pieces, chopped
2 tbsp light Muscovado sugar
1tsp salt
7g sachet yeast
3 tbsp walnut oil
450ml warm water

For the Bread:

Put the wholemeal and white flour into a large bowl, add the walnut pieces, muscovado sugar and salt. Sprinkle over the yeast, then pour in the oil and warm water. Mix together until the mixture combines to a rough ball.
Tip the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 10 mins until smooth and elastic. Shape into an oval and put on to a greased baking tray (You can score to top with diagonal lines). Cover loosely with greased cling film and eave in a warm place for about 40 mins until doubled in size.
Preheat the oven to 200°C. Remove cling film from bread and bake the bread for 35 mins until golden and the base sounds hollow when tapped.

For the Fondue:

Put the Stilton and Mascarpone in a small saucepan over a very low heat and warm through for 5 minutes, stirring, until melted. Stir in the vodka and remove from the heat. Chop the pears and the bread into bitesize chunks when ready to serve. Warm through some small ramekins or a fondue pan and pour in the Stilton mixture. Serve with fondue forks along with the bread and pears to dip in.

Butternut Squash Ravioli with Sage Butter

So as promised I'm kicking off my Instant Restaurant recipes with one of my starters, Butternut Squash Ravioli served with a Sage Butter - tasty seasonal and light!

Handmade Butternut Squash and Goat's Cheese Ravioli with Sage Butter
Makes 24

Sage Butter:
75g butter
12 sage leaves (from the garden)

550g ‘oo’ flour
4 fresh eggs (for 2 duck eggs)

1 butternut squash
I medium onion, finely chopped
1 garlic clove
100g strong goat's cheese
1 tbsp butter
1/2 tbsp sage, chopped
120g parmesan, grated, plus extra to serve
Salt and black pepper


Preheat oven to 190C, cut squash in half and remove the seeds from the butternut squash and brush all over with olive oil and place cut side down on a baking tray. Bake in the oven for about 35-40 minutes, until very soft. Meanwhile sautee the onions without browning. Scoop out the butternut squash flesh into a bowl, add the parmesan and some olive oil. Mix well, using the back of a fork to squash the butternut squash into a thick puree. Season to taste and set aside to cool.

Make pasta by hand into long sheets (by mixing flour, eggs and salt until into elastic dough then run through pasta maker until setting 1 thin.). Cut out circles and fill with squash mixture and crumble in the goat's cheese.

Blanch for 30 seconds ready to cook to serve. When ready to serve cook for 2 minutes in boiling salted water until cooked.

For the sage butter, heat butter until frothy, add in sage leaves until crispy, pour over ravioli to serve.

Instant Restaurant

So, big news people, I was lucky enough to be filmed for BBC2's new show Instant Restaurant last Friday! I had to create a pop-up restaurant for one night in my tiny terraced house and be followed by not one but two cameras, following the spills and thrills of trying to create a professional restaurant with my one oven and tiny hob. The good news is I did it, and it was a success!

After some hairy moments involving making ravioli in the living room two minutes before serving as all the pre-prepared pasta had stuck to the plate! As well as having a mini-breakdown five minutes before the guest arrived as I was still cooking on the dining table and had no flower arrangements. But as if by magic as they walked in, an air of calm came across us and we had the best fun!

Be sure to catch me on BBC2 in January! And check out all my recipes from the show over the next few posts!