26 April 2010

Pashley Princess Sovereign

I'm in love! After swithering over parting with my hard earned cash for this beautiful bicycle, I'm pleased to announce I finally took the plunge and ordered my lovely Pashley. As England's longest established bicycle manufacturer, Pashley bikes are hand-built in Stratford-upon-Avon, and the Princess Sovereign is the ultimate in classic bikes.

Despite the classic style however the Princess Sovereign features a modern inbuilt Dynamo light system with no feeling of resistance on the wheel, an inbuilt hardy lock (perfect for Salford), and obviously the classic handmade wicker basket and pannier rack. The Princess Sovereign has one classic feature however that really makes me smile - a skirt guard on the back wheel, to stop your long flowing skirt from getting caught in the spokes. I feel the need to buy a long dress just because I can cycle with it on!

I'll post some photos of our first bike ride next week, I'm rather excited!

23 April 2010

Salford Sunday Flea Market

Nothing we do gives us as much pleasure as fear than Salford Sunday Flea Market, next to the precinct, or Salford Shopping City to be precise. The combination of tat and treasure is surely unique to Salford, as combinations of used 90’s make-up and war time pocket watches can’t be found anywhere else. It has to be said nine times out of ten we leave empty handed and wondering if that was in fact our neighbours stolen bike for sale, but the summer time is when all the best stuff comes out of the woodwork. Some stalls consist of literally tat, bin bags overflowing poured onto the damp tarmac and piles of ‘obtained’ irons, blenders and oddly, breadmakers. Other stalls however, which aren’t always there every week, have collections of antique teapots, old Manchester maps, 1920’s sheet music and, like last week, Victorian picnic hampers complete with vintage wineglasses and butter knives. If you can handle sifting the tat, and can put your game face on some little treasures can be found. We recently picked up a 1930’s picture frame for 50p and a set of eight teacups and saucers for £2 (see picture), and have great luck finding unusual picture frames and teapots.

I have to say I did in the end purchase a bread maker for £10, needless to say I daren’t ask where they got it from!

Salford Flea Market, every Sunday, Salford Market next to Salford shopping city, 9am - about 1ish. Get there before 12 though any good stuff goes!

Swiss Lunch & Apline Macaroni

So today's recipe is courtesy of a week in Switzerland, for a true swiss experience take a few slices of hand swiss chesse, some dense dark bread i.e rye or multigrain, add some butter - voila! Swiss lunch for two. Wow, now don't you feel better for knowing that recipes.

Food on our Swiss trip was really lovely, as we were right up high in the Alps at Saas Fee the food was more 'fuel' based than nouvelle cuisine. Everything was pretty much cheese based, which was perfect as I could happily eat by body weight in cheese! But nevertheless we got to try the famous alpine macaroni, macaroni cheese with stewed apple on top. Pretty much a heart attack on a plate but the most incredible comfort food! (See my 1970's style photo from Dom restaurant in Saas Fee - pretty shiny and bright!)

My favourite version of this recipe is based on Valentine Warners from his glorious book What to Eat Now.

Alpine Macroni by Valentine Warner

Serves 4

250g Gruyere cheese, grated
25g Butter
1 good tbsp plain flour
200ml Riesling white wine
1 tsp mustard
150ml single cream
sea salt
150g rashers of smoked streaky bacon
300g dried macaroni pasta
2 cloves garlic

Apple Sauce:
3 Braeburn or cox apples, peeled, cored and diced
125ml water
1 tsp caster sugar
splash of white wine vinegar

Melt the butter in a non-stick pan, add the flour and mix the two with a whisk. After it has foamed for 15 seconds add the wine a bit at a time until emulsified. After all the wine has gone in add the cheese and whisk until melted, then add mustard and cream. Season with the salt and put aside.

Take the diced apple and put in a pan with the water, sugar and vinegar and simmer partially covered until the apples are soft. Mash to make an apple sauce consistency and leave aside.

Cut the bacon into 1cm strips and fry them in a tiny bit of oil until nearly crisp.

Cook the macaroni is hot salted water until cooked (not al dente) whilst this cooks, slowly heat up the cheese sauce and apple sauce. Drain the macaroni, add to the cheese, throw in the bacon and garlic and mix well. Put into a big serving dish or plate up to be topped with the apple sauce.

Glorious indulgence!

22 April 2010

Stupa Tea – Luxury in a Teapot

When builders’ tea just isn’t special enough, and you’ve had a long week, you need to crack out the Stupa tea. Made from Darjeeling Tea, young tea buds are woven into the shape of a flower which when submerged in hot water fan out to look like a flower. Plus it tastes pretty amazing too. At £2 a pop from Cha Cha Cha Tea Lounge in Birmingham, it’s really for special occasions but totally worth it for the amazing taste.

7 April 2010

The Movie Peg

My latest purchase is this genius ipod/iphone MoviePeg that lets my ipod stand on it's own! I've been searching for something that keeps my ipod stood up so I can read goodfood.com recipes while cooking, or watch films when I should be working... Made my train journey down to London so much better, no propping up between my pinot and my napkin even again - thank god.

Get one here in every shade - for under a fiver! Bargain!