7 October 2010

California Girls Costume: Step 1

As Halloween approaches fast I've had a day of panic about what costume I can do this year, having rolled out the 'dead Russian doll' a few years in a row now I need to step up my game. Having trawled the internet and become brain-dead by the sheer volume of 'sexy witch' 'sexy vampire' and basically anything starting to be scary then turned slutty, I've decided with a little time on my hands (if I block out all the DIY that needs doing in our new house) I'm going to make something myself and who better to be than Katy Perry!

So here's how we get to Katy Perry's 'California Gurls' costume, breaking it down we have a white corset, multicolored shiny fabric skirt, tonnes of sparkly sweets and a lilac wig. Having overcome the first two hurdles this morning - securing a white corset/dress from ebay (China no less) for a mere £13 then a lilac wig from a website called Flagship Fancy Dress. The latter being the hardest thing to find on the internet, lilac wigs are pretty hard to come by and for a tenner, it's fabulous.

So I'm now off to Salford precinct to find an array of plastic and felt items to cover with sequins for the corset - I may really regret this...

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