4 January 2011

Eames Chairs and Peter Blakes

I have been rather busy over Christmas with driving back and forth between Liverpool and Manchester and eating my body weight in turkey and 'Hotel Chocolat' mulled wine chocolates, but my word did we get some cracking presents for the house! Being the geeky couple we are, Phillip and I decided to put our money together and buy something between us - and that thing was an original Herman Miller Zenith Eames Rocker! So in this year of austerity we are starting as we mean to go on, well it's virtually recycling as it's an original chair...

The other exciting purchase was a Peter Blake proof print from his latest Venice collection, I rather like the lady with a cat's head, it looks totally normal yet entirely odd. The blue in this print is the same as our other 'Got a Girl' Peter Blake screen print - which is a good thing as Phillip is massively into coordination.

So, as I move into 2011 with prices rising and bills looming I can sit on my Eames rocker looking at my Peter blake whilst eating Value baked beans on Basics toast clinging to the cat for warmth...


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