25 February 2009

Pancakes: Doing It Alone

As it was pancake day (evening really) I felt although Egbert is away I must partake in the ritual pancake nightmare. After the usual search for a new recipe I settled on the same one I use every year, however incorporating baking powder to make thick mini pancakes almost resembling blinis. As I was all alone I decided the best way to celebrate was to buy a small pack of smoked salmon and utilise the ageing yogurt and the elusive caviar lurking at the back of the fridge. Yes I had the poshest pancake day ever, but sitting cross-legged on my sofa eating blinis with smoked salmon, make-shift sour cream and caviar I felt indulged in a way chocolate or a naked man could ever do. It was the sort of comfort food luxury you can only have when you're alone for fear of being labeled a snob or having Egbert devour the pancakes before we get the smoked salmon on.

Oh and the big plus point was, the same amount of batter for one pancake did my entire lot of blinis for a whole meal - low calorie (ish) and budget friendly! (Provided you have ageing caviar in the fridge).

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