23 February 2009

Bread: The First Attempt

Apart from an experimental classroom exercise with bread making when I was about six years old which involved dubious shaped globes of a rock-hard yeasty substance, I have never attempted to make my own bread. Aware that it is the staple activity of the Waitrose-shopping fifty-something ho-rah Henry, I felt a little young and un-horsey and poor to be partaking in the endevour of bread making.

Nevertheless I set about making my first loaf on a cold Sunday afternoon after deciding it was too cold to venture to Sainsburys, and I'd have to locate not only socks but shoes aswell, and plus think of my 30p saving and the feeling of achievement.
I was right about one thing, the feeling of achievement was immense, I can make bread, if the world fell apart I could make bread and survive! Oh the dreams of having a bakery are alive again.

So investigating my enormous collection of recipes I settled for the fool-proof option of Jamie Olivers simple basic bread recipe. Involving only honey, white bread flour, water, yeast and salt it was the least complex.

• 1kg or just over 2lb strong bread flour
• 625ml or just over 1 pint tepid water
• 30g/1oz fresh yeast or 3 x 7g/¼oz sachets dried yeast
• 30g honey or 2 tablespoons sugar
• 1 level tablespoon fine sea salt
extra flour for dusting

The first task is to get half a pint of tepid water (warmish) and mix in the honey, salt and yeast until dissolved. Then making a well in the pile of flour poured out of the table you pour the yeasty mixture into the well, swirling it around to incorporate the flour until its been absorbed. Massive problem for me here was a river of yeasty mixture escaping out of the side of the flour and shooting across the table - not good. Next time I'd do it in a large bowl to save losing half the yeast!

Next add another 1/2 pint of tepid water and mix with your hands until a dough forms - by kneading it like mad for about 5 minutes. Yes, it sticks to your hands but just rub them together and it comes off, and plus it feels pretty nice really.

Ok, next you need to flour the dough ball, and put in in a bowl, cover with cling-film and leave somewhere warm to prove until it doubles in size.

When its doubled in size knead it again for a minute then shape into anything you fancy, plaits, baguettes, balls, or opt for miscellaneous shapes like mine. Score the top to make cool patterns like a proper baguette, and leave to prove until doubled in size again (about 30 mins - an hour).

Carefully put on a flour dusted baking tray in the preheated oven at 180c/350f/Gas 4 and bake away! Don't slam the door you'll knock all the air out of it and have lumps of rock.

You know when it's done when golden and when you tap the bottom it sounds hollow. Leave to cool, or eat hot with loads of butter....

You can experiment by kneading in cinnamon and raisins, or try sun dried tomatoes.
And there you have it bread. Amazing.

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