14 March 2010

Hangover Tart

Will a pounding head and an unquenchable thirst I dragged my intoxicated body out of bed to try and help my insides recover. My mother always told me that as alcohol paralyzes the stomach you need something hearty to get it moving again. So, peering into my fridge I managed to locate half a block of puff pastry, a few sad looking tomatoes and some goats cheese - voila, a tart for kings! (or hungover queens...)

Serves 4 for lunch

4 ripe plum tomatoes
100g soft or solid goats’ cheese (just break up solid into pieces)
good sprinkle of chopped fresh thyme (or dried)
1/2 pack of ready-rolled puff pastry
2 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
salt and freshly milled black pepper

First pre-heat the oven to gas mark 5, 375°F (190°C), well done you're halfway there!
Next roll out the pastry onto a floured surface until you get a rectangle which can be cut into 4 decent tart slices. Cut into 4 and place on oiled foil on a baking sheet & score a border inside each like a picture frame so the outside can puff up. Spread or sprinkle on the goats cheese and sprinkle thyme and garlic. Lay slices of tomato on top (not too thick or you'll get raw watery tomato) and drizzle some olive oil and salt and pepper.

Put in the oven until puff sides are golden and tomato looks roasted.
Collapse in front of trashy E4 safe in the knowledge your insides are on the way to recovery!

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