4 March 2010

Spring Is Here!

Spring is here finally! After a horrendous, long winter of extreme snow and -12 degrees usually found only in Scotland not Salford I am sighing a huge sigh of relief that spring has finally sprung. My mini daffodils came out so fast I am considering setting up a time-lapse camera on my desk tomorrow to show you!

I'm currently preparing a new article on 'Urban Gardening' as well as posting all my latest finding in the recipe binder and design findings. Oh and this amazing new butchers in Flixton that delivers free - amazing!

Phillip and I made the most amazing ketchup on Saturday, it was spiced like a Bloody Mary cocktail - joy! We're looking into going into business with our ketchups, chutneys and jams, they're pretty great - will keep you posted, free samples for all readers!

Must crack on with the drinking of the beer and eating of bangers and mash...

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