10 November 2010

Halloween Finger Biscuits

Found a fabulous recipe from bbcgoodfood.com for biscuits in the shape of fingers for creepy Halloween party food. Easy and anything, you just put the ingredients together in the food processor blend away until it forms a dough, then roll out with your hands, make some crease marks with a knife and push on an almond for the nail. Creepy.

Finger Biscuits
100g caster sugar
100g butter
1 egg yolk
200g plain flour
½ tsp vanilla extract
20 blanched almonds
red food colouring


Place the first five ingredients and a pinch of salt in a food processor and whizz just until a ball of dough forms. Tear off a golfball-size piece of dough and use your hands to roll into finger-size cylinders - you should get about 20. Place on a baking sheet lined with baking parchment - a little apart as they will spread during baking. Use a knife to make a few cuts, close together, for the knuckles. Place an almond at the end of each finger and trim away excess pastry around the edge to neaten. Place in the fridge for 30 mins, heat oven to 180C/160F/Gas 4, then bake for 10-12 mins just until firm. Leave to cool a little, then paint the almond with food colouring, if you like. Makes 20.

Get the full recipe from BBC Good Food here.


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