15 December 2010

Get your Hotmail Mail to Your Mac Mail

Something I've always been meaning to get round to doing is to get my Hotmail emails straight onto my desktop through Mac Mail. After a fruitless attempt a few years ago I abandoned the idea but now, with he help of a little online tutorial I'm emails a go-go, combining all my email accounts and feeling organised!

How to from About.com:

Access Windows Live Hotmail with Mac OS X Mail Using POP

To set up a Windows Live Hotmail account in Mac OS X Mail using POP (which lets you fetch new incoming mail easily):

  • Select Mail | Preferences... from the Mac OS X Mail menu.
  • Go to the Accounts category.
  • Click the + ("Create an account.") button.
  • Enter your name under Full Name:.
  • Type your Windows Live Hotmail address (something like "example@hotmail.com") under Email Address:.
  • Type your Windows Live Hotmail password under Password:.
  • Click Continue.
  • Make sure POP is selected under Account Type:.
  • Enter "Windows Live Hotmail" (or something similar) as the Description: for this account.
  • Type "pop3.live.com" (not including the quotation marks) under Incoming Mail Server:.
  • Enter your complete Windows Live Hotmail address ("example@hotmail.com", for example) under User Name:.
  • Click Continue.
  • Enter "Windows Live Hotmail" under Description: for Outgoing Mail Server.
  • Type "smtp.live.com" under Outgoing Mail Server:.
  • Make sure Use Authentication is checked.
  • Enter your full Windows Live Hotmail address (e.g. "example@hotmail.com") under User Name:.
  • Type your Windows Live Hotmail password under Password:.
  • Click Continue.
  • Now click Create.
  • Close the Accounts window.

Voila! Emails whenever I start up my Mac, no need to fight slow loading Firefox!

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